Extra information

Extra information

We are eager to help you as best we can. However your frame number has not been recognised, please provide some extra information about your cargo bike. The more information we receive from you, the faster we can identify your cargo bike. 

Thanks in advance! We will then contact you by email as soon as possible.

Are you leasing your cargo bike?

If so, contact your leasing company directly.

Contact details


Cargo bike details

For better identification upload an image (png or jpeg), the maximum filesize is 10MB. Example image of the cargo bike

The file you attempted to add exceeds the maximum of 10MB.

For better identification upload an image (png or jpeg), the maximum filesize is 10MB. Example image of the pedals

The file you attempted to add exceeds the maximum of 10MB.

Upload a file of maximum 2.5 MB

The file you attempted to add exceeds the maximum of 2.5MB.