Frequently asked questions

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Where do I find my frame number? Eye

    See the instructions via this page

  • My frame number is not recognized, what should I do? Eye

    Please enter your bike's frame number and click 'Leave your details'. We'll ask for more information to identify your bike quickly.

  • Can I still use my cargo bike while I wait for further instructions? Eye

    No, we strongly advise you not to use your cargo bike until further notice.

  • What exactly does the pre-ride inspection entail, before driving to a Babboe inspection partner? Eye

    In order to start using your bike for regular use, please book your inspection at your Babboe Inspection Partner. Before riding your bike to the dealer please check the following:

    -Do not place anything in the cargo bike's cargo box.

    -Check that your cargo bike has no visible signs of damage or cracks to the frame, seat post (the tube your saddle sits on) or steering column (the tube your handlebars sit on).

    -Keep an eye on whether your cargo bike cycles normally while riding, cornering, and braking.

    -Avoid high speeds (maximum 15 km per hour) and high-speed bumps for inspection.

    -Ensure the handlebar stem and seat post do not exceed the minimum insertion mark.

  • Will my cargo bike be repaired or replaced? Eye

    On this website you can enter the frame number where you will receive more information about the recall and the next steps for your unique bike.

  • Where can I find more information about the recall? Eye

    We will keep you informed via the Babboe website and via your email, as soon as you have registered your frame number via this website.

  • Who/how can I contact at Babboe for more information? Eye

    Please contact your local Babboe dealer.

  • I have a different cargo bike than the models you mentioned. What should I do now? Eye

    Please continue to register your cargo bike on this website and fill in the requested information. We will contact you as soon as possible about the next steps. Until then, we advise you not to use your cargo bike.

  • How long will it take before I have a safe cargo bike again? Eye

    Unfortunately, this is not known at this time. We will inform you as soon as possible via the Babboe website and by e-mail as soon as you have registered your bike.

  • Who/how can I contact at Babboe for more information? Eye

    Please contact your local Babboe dealer.

    You can find our contact details here